Taking myself seriously… seriously.

Two stories submitted for the Crypticon writing contest this year. Deadline is this Saturday. Convention is May 25th-27th. If I make the finals on either, I should hear something between now and then. I am trying not to let the nervous anticipation get the best of me and continue to write & read — Progress is the key, right?


Yep, I just gotta do this. WRITE SCARED.

About amairedinsmore

A. Maire is a writer living in Snohomish County, Washington with her husband, whom she has shared her life with since she was 19, their three children and one very spoiled Husky-Doberman mix. She was published in the Crypticon De-Composition 2011 Anthology with the short story 'Awakening' and in her free time enjoys planning parties for the group Biohazard, watching football, camping and reading.
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